Edit Photos with Faces Using DALL-E

OpenAI announced in an official newsletter to all its users that “you can now upload and edit photos with faces with DALL·E.” In the same newsletter, they claimed that the feature was highly in-demand among users for purposes like changing outfits, editing background scenes, etc. But they had kept it off limits to prevent the misuse of AI’s abilities. Nice man Dall-e is allowing faces again. He is me as a wwe wrestler taking a bath pic.twitter.com/bwoCHIDylF— NymN (@nymnion) September 19, 2022
Now, OpenAI claims that “with improvements in our safety system, DALL·E is now ready”, to support the editing of human faces. They backed the claim by saying that they have put a more robust set of filters to prevent all attempts to generate sexual, political, and violent content.
Moreover, they have also claimed that their policy prevents their users from uploading images of anyone without their consent. We tried testing the claim by using the names of random celebrities to generate images with their face and the filters prevented the action. However, this policy, at the moment, doesn’t seem to have a system in place to prevent users from uploading pictures with people’s faces who haven’t consented to the usage.

How to Use DALL-E to Edit Human Faces

If you want to use DALL-E to edit human faces and images with faces, you can either enter a prompt to make it generate a face or simply upload an image with a face in it. After uploading an image, you can ask DALL-E to create its variants. Using this option feels like seeing variants of yourself from the multiverse. But some can be more bizarre than others.
Here are the variants DALL-E created from an AI-generated face (also created by DALL-E):
To test the capabilities of DALL-E, I also uploaded my own image with my eyes covered in it. Then instead of creating variants, I asked DALL-E to edit my face and clothes. The results were surprisingly reliable.
What I have tested is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to DALL-E’s true capabilities. If you have access to this AI tool, you can try pushing it to the next level. Meanwhile, others can request its access on the official OpenAI website. Having said that, do you think giving AI the ability to edit photos with faces is the right move? Or are you concerned about your privacy? Tell us in the comments below!